Active Ingredients

Candesartan cilexetil 32mg

Mechanism of Action

Candesartan blocks the vasoconstrictor and aldosterone-secreting effects of angiotensin II by selectively blocking the binding of angiotensin II to the AT1 receptor in many tissues, such as vascular smooth muscle and the adrenal gland. Its action is, therefore, independent of the pathways for angiotensin II synthesis.


Indication &Dose

Essential hypertension.

Treatment of patients with heart failure and impaired left ventricle systolic function (left ventricular ejection fraction (< 40%) as add-on therapy to ACE inhibitors or when ACE inhibitors are not tolerated (see Pharmacodynamic properties)

• Treatment of hypertension in adults to lower blood pressure. Lowering blood pressure reduces the risk of fatal and non-fatal cardiovascular events, primarily strokes and myocardial infarctions.

• Treatment of heart failure (NYHA class II-IV); it reduces cardiovascular death and heart failure hospitalization.

Candepressin should be taken once daily with or without food.


Each carton contains 20 tablets
